When I first started reading this chapter, I struggled with
the body being part of the learning process. As far as intellectual pursuits go,
the body wasn’t really part of the process – it was all in the mind. But when I
started thinking about my personal situation, I realized that while a lot of
what I learn is by reading or watching videos, for me to really retain
something I need to write it down. Even if I never look at the paper I wrote it
on again, something about the physical act of writing just helps to solidify
what I am learning. When I realized that, I went online to do some research to
see if that was a common thing, or just me. I found an interesting article in
the Wall Street Journal about the connection between handwriting and learning.
It talked about everything from how brain imaging has shown that finger
movement can activate regions of the brain involved in thinking, language and
working memory to using handwriting in journals as diagnostic tools for
neurological disorders. I strongly believe that there is a connection between
the brain and the movement of our bodies.
A little more digging turned up a very interesting web site called
Science Choreography that takes incorporating the body into learning into more than
just handwriting. It is a program at Wesleyan University that uses physical
movement in the science classroom. The program is designed for 7th
grade through college level students and they give examples of the program, and
an entire Toolbox showing any teacher how they could use these tools in the
classroom. Below is a video from the toolbox called “Ask a Question,” but the
entire web site is worth checking out.
Bounds, G. (2010, October 5). How Handwriting Trains the
Brain. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved March 12, 2015, from http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704631504575531932754922518
Weir, M., Appel, L., Grabel, L., Lerman, L., & Johnson,
E. (n.d.). Sciencechoreography. Retrieved March 12, 2015, from http://sciencechoreography.wesleyan.edu/toolbox/ask-a-question/
Jenny, I watched all of these..... they are GREAT! ARE you considering trying this with your students?