Saturday, January 31, 2015

Test Yourself..... You may be Surprised!

As I was reading the scenarios in the beginning of the chapter I thought I knew exactly what kind of teacher I would be. I was sure I would be a teacher like the instructors in Scenario 2 & Scenario 3. I felt sorry for the students in the first 2 scenarios. Those teachers did not take anything about their students into account. They were teaching them in a very instructor-centered environment.  I felt confident that I would never teach like that until I encountered Conti's Principles of Adult Learning Scale.  This "test" helps to assess if your teaching style is more teacher-centered or more learner centered. I took the assessment and I was so surprised. You can view my assessment:
My PALS Learning Assessment.
I could not believe my teaching style was Teacher Centered. It was all the way to that end of the scale but I would have never thought that I would be Teacher Centered in any area.  The area that I was the most "teacher centered" was in Personalizing Instruction.  This lets me know what area I need the most improvement.  In order to do this I think I need to really focus on the life experience and self concept of my learners. This will help me individualize learning and help me to personalize instruction.
Here it the assessment I used. 
Try the Principles of Adult Learning Scale (PALS)
There are also self scoring versions that can be found on web but I preferred the written version. It allowed me to really consider each question while completing and while scoring the assesment.

Colorado State University. (n.d.). Principals of Adult Learning Scale (PALS). Retrieved 31 January 2015, from
Merriam, S., & Bierema, L. (2013). Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice. United States: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
VT Pioneers in Education. (n.d.). Retrieved 31 January 2015, from


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